Monday, June 29, 2009

Only Those....

I will try to put a meaningful or inspirational quote at the end of each blog and not all blogs will be about fitness or hunting so keep reading (or at least act like it).

So, here is what I have done to work get in shape for my elk hunting trip (or at least what I have written down.) I really didn't start keeping records of the aerobic exercise until recently so I have done more that it really appears. To simplify, when I do upper body that is a mixture between bench press, flys, pull-downs, curls, crunches, etc (~1 hour). Lower body is a mix between lunges, squats, calf raises, dead lift, etc (also ~ 1 hour). I do all of this on a weight bench i bought from a guy for $100. He said he needed some money so he would sell it to me cheap. You can probably get the same set-up at walmart for $60, I haven't looked, don't really want to know. Anyway, here it is:
3/13/09: Lower Body
3/18/09: Lower Body
3/19/09: Upper Body
4/22/09: Lower Body
5/13/09: Upper Body
5/16/09: Lower Body
5/21/09: Lower Body
5/24/09: Upper Body
5/28/09: Lower Body
6/12/09:Upper Body

During this time I was also been running, walking with my pack and, biking, shooting my bow, etc I just wasn't keeping track.

6/22/09: this is where I started trying to keep up of everything i was doing: ran for 37 minutes,
did 3 sets of push-ups, regular and side crunches (75 of each), and leg raises(75)
6/24/09: walked up the stairs (14 steps) with my pack (53 lbs) my vest (10lbs) and 2.5 lb ankle weights on both ankles. I did the steps 30 times then jumped rope 300 times then did the stairs 30 more times. All this took about 35 minutes.
6/25/09: Upper Body
6/26/09: Jumped rope 700 times, did regular and side crunches (50 each) and leg lifts(50)
6/27/09: I did my portable stair stepper for 30 mins
6/28/09: I jogged with my vest for 30 mins in A.M., in P.M. i walked with my pack, vest and ankle weights for 40 mins, shot my bow ~72 times
6/29/09(today): This morning I ran for 46 minutes.

So that is the list (or what I ave of it) of what I have done so far this year. I leave Sept. 16 for my elk hunting trip to Montana so hopefully I will be in good shape by then. If anyone has comments, insults, or wants to join me in exercising or want to help in any way please feel free to post a comment. but no matter what you do please visit my blog occasionally even if you don't read it so i will think someone cares :).

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." T.S. Elliot

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