Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bump and Grind

it's funny, i have completed my last 5 of my last 6 scheduled runs, not on the exact dates, but close. i have actually ran every other day for the last 10 days. been a while since i have done that much running. today, 2 days after my last long run, my legs felt very tired. i felt like i was keeping a pretty good pace and then the half mile beeper would go off and the pace would be pretty slow. not to worry, this was supposed to be an easy run, at 9:55 pace, i was a little ahead of that but not by much. here are the splits:

.5= 4.53
1.0= 4.49
1.5= 4.56
2.0= 5.10
2.5= 4.56
3.0= 4.42
3.5= 4.45
4.0= 4.56

the last 1/2 mile i really thought was much faster than that. like i said before, i am not too worried, i have a 6 mile tempo run scheduled for tomorrow. i have a feeling much of that is going to be in the dark.

thought of the day: the other day, while running, the R. Kelly song "Bump 'N Grind" came on my ipod. i thought, what in the world is that song on here for? after listening to the lyrics, i know. the lyrics start out, "my mind's telling me know, but my body, my body's telling me ye e es." that is how i start most of my long runs. my mind is saying "are you sure" and my body, thinking it is a lot younger, says "no problem, get it done." the lyrics go on to say "I don't see nothun wrong with a little bump 'n grind.' well, that is exactly my running style, i realized tonight. when i run on the road it sounds like bump bump, bump bump. and my bones grind. just sayin.

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