Monday, July 23, 2012

July 14, a little late

it had been raining all day but no thunder or lightning. i was trynig to look for a break in the rain, but of course when that happened it got hot. i had planned a route for my 15 mile run that i thought wouldn't be too bad. on the map it looked pretty level. as i began running i realized it looked level because it was a very gradual incline from mile 1.5 to mile 6. in that time i gained nearly 1000 feet in elevation running uphill just about the entire time. when i got to mile 6 i decided to turn around and hit mile 12 at my driveway and then run my usual, flat, 3 mile out and back from the driveway to finish on some flat ground. at mile 8 i had to start walking a lot. this run was either in sunshine and humidity or rainfall. at mile 10.5 i decided i would have to pretty much walk to 12 and quit. i finished the first 5 miles in 52:41. the last 7 miles (which was 1 mile uphill, then 3.5 miles downhill and 1.5 miles pretty level) took me 1:39.07. i think it was a combination of heavy, wet shoes and running so constantly uphill. my legs just felt so tired. i also lost a waterbottle off my belt. i went back to look for it but couldn't find it (of course i went back in the truck). final pace was 12:36. tired tonight and still have to blog one more run.

1 comment:

  1. Just think of how a 1,000 foot climb helped you in overall fitness.
