Friday, August 21, 2009


Sorry to all my faithful followers, my internet was down last night and i was not able to blog. however, it is back tonight and i can fill you in on everything you have missed! not much. i did run last night, i ran 4 miles in 37:46. that gives me a pace of about 9:26 per mile. that is not bad considering i felt like i could not breathe the entire time. i felt like i was running a 10min/mile pace, so i did a little better than i thought, it just seemed so hard. maybe this past weekend took more of a toll on me than i thought. here is the breakdown of the run.

1m: 8:49 (not too bad)
1.5m: 13:26 (4:37)
2m: 18:32 (5:05) (whoa)
2.5m: 23:29 (4:57)
3m: 27:52 (4:23) (pretty good)
4m: 37:46 (9:53)

overall i am pretty happy. tomorrow i am going to a bow shoot in bowling green, it will be good to shoot with a little pressure on (it is competitive). the bad thing is i haven't gotten to shoot all week so i may not do as good as i had hoped but it is mainly for practice for me anyway. anyone want to ride with me just call.

i have to set the record straight. i have been having a discussion the other day with a cousin about something i said on my blog and i want everyone to know exactly what i meant. i made the comment that we are all God's children. what i meant by that was that God is our ancestor because He is our creator and we are made in His image (so we are minutely similar to Him). i guess the discussion is we are not God's children unless we are saved. i was making a conclusion that if a being comes from another being, the first being is the parent. i really meant we all came from God. maybe i should have put it that way. without God there would not be an us. if you are not a Christian you are God's enemy. that is all i will say about that.

the thought of the day: i am i used that one already. Here is a list from a book called QBQ! The Question Behind the Question. This is the list of the risk of doing nothing:
  • Action, even when it leads to mistakes,brings learning and growth. Inaction brings stagnation and atrophy.
  • Action leads us towards solutions. Inaction at best does nothing and holds us in the past.
  • Action requires courage. Inaction often indicates fear.
  • Action builds confidence; inaction, doubt.

"A friends said, "It's better to be one who is told to wait than one who waits to be told."

hope this motivates you to do more than usual, go the extra mile.

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