yes, yes, i spoke a little too soon. yesterday i said i felt very good after the run and wasn't sore. well, last night, while i was asleep it hit me. it being some pretty bad soreness. Emily asked why i was walking so funny today. but i gradually walked out the soreness through. i have to get up and run 4 miles i think in the morning before work, i think i should be fine (if i can just wake up). and of course i have stayed up too late tonight looking at my hunting district in montana on google earth.
i did get to shoot a lot today, about 20-30 times at 60 yards, then about 15 times at 40 yards, then about 40 times at 30 yards. i also went through my montana list to try and get things a little better organized for now.
this is my thought of the day: who really knows what is right? we can read the Bible, listen to others who have studied the Bible, etc, but how do we know what is right? i think anyone who says they can tell you exactly what the Bible says for every circumstance is probably a little confused and arrogant. i think we are all in for a big surprise when we get to heaven. i think God will open our eyes to the complete truth and we will say "wow, i didn't get that on earth." and a lot of things i think we will probably say "i couldn't have been more wrong." but what else are we to do, other than stay in The Word, fellowship, and prayer as much as possible and let God reveal what He will to us and live by it.
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